Limitless Physical Therapy

Limitless Physical Therapy Welcomes Dr. Mike Robinson PT DPT OCS CSCS

Limitless Physical Therapy sat down with its newest physical therapist to get to know Dr. Mike Robinson more personally and share this information with our greater audience. 

How long have you been practicing physical therapy?

I’ve been a physical therapist for over 3 years beginning in the summer of 2019. I’m originally from Ohio but after my wife and I completed our last student physical therapy rotation in Eugene, Oregon we couldn’t help but stay. 

Dr. Mike Robsinson PT pictured on the right with his wife Rachel (left) and their dog Poppy.
Dr. Mike Robsinson PT pictured on the right with his wife Rachel (left) and their dog Poppy. Picture is from Oakridge triple summit challenge Larison Rock Race

What local running or cycling groups do you participate in?


I’m a fan of the running shoe store Run hub Northwest and the programs they offer for runners. Part of Run hub’s mission is to be a resource for the community, and this has led to their Wednesday night community run and Big Timber Running Club. 

Check out Run Hub’s website here:


Similarly in cycling, GEAR’s has been a prominent cycling club in the community offering resources, education, and group rides.  GEAR’s has many local group rides and their large local community ride, The Blackberry Bramble. 

Check out GEAR’s website here:

What is your Favorite Running Trail in Eugene? Favorite Ride? 

Running Trail: 

I love running Mount Pisgah’s loop trail with my wife and my dog Poppy. It’s a great place for my weekend long run and to enjoy nature. I love the quiet forests and changing terrain around the park. 

Favorite Ride: 

I live in South Eugene, and I have great access to the Fox Hollow ride that travels outside of town. It’s a ride with large hills, fast downhills, and quiet roads. More recently I have gotten into gravel riding to get away from vehicle traffic, but most of those rides are out of town. 

Mike racing his Cyclocross bike at Twilight Cyclocross Series at Dorris Ranch. 

When did you know that you wanted to be Dr. Mike Robinson PT? 

I had a different path than most physical therapists to choose my career. As I began as an undergraduate student, I was trying to figure out what career I really wanted to pursue. I knew I was interested in anatomy and physiology, but I didn’t know how to actualize that into a career. I changed my major 3 times in my undergraduate time as I dove into extracurricular shadowing and working opportunities to find out what I loved. It turned out that working with people in physical therapy satisfied me the most – that’s when I decided I wanted to be Dr. Mike Robinson PT. I found a natural camaraderie with the other clinicians and staff in physical therapy and loved the idea of applying the knowledge of anatomy and physiology to rehabilitate people to their favorite activities. 

What’s a common misconception about physical therapy? Or what is something that you wish more people knew about Physical Therapy?

Something I see the public can miss about physical therapy is that we are medical providers, who keep medical documentation, and treat medical conditions. Physical Therapists work with a team of medical providers which includes primary care doctors, orthopedic doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistant, chiropractors, and others. Additionally, the principles we use to complete rehabilitation for people can help people improve their performance in sport activities. Simply said physical therapy is effective for certain medical conditions and performance training. 

We’re excited to have Dr. Mike Robinson PT DPT OCS CSCS to be a part of the team. If you have a musculoskeletal injury, contact us to schedule with Mike. Interested in learning more? Check out Mike’s bio

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