Kinesiology Tape – Physical Therapy Tools of the Trade, Part 1

Kinesiology Tape

If you’ve watched any professional sporting event in recent years, you’ve likely seen it. Long strips of often colorful tape running along or criss-crossed over areas of an athlete’s body. With the benefits of Kinesiology taping becoming more well-known, it’s no surprise that more healthcare professionals are using it on their patients. At Limitless Physical […]

Mythbusters! – Addressing Common Physical Therapy Myths

As we continue celebrating Physical Therapy Awareness month, we are addressing some common physical therapy myths that we’ve heard over the years. Got questions about any physical therapy myths?  Feel limited in what you’re able to do?  The staff at Limitless Physical Therapy in Eugene, OR and Albany, OR can show you how to discover your future […]

See Your PT Annually for Injury Prevention, Early Intervention

We all know that visiting your physician for an annual physical is important for maintaining long-term health. Similarly, dental exams twice each year help ensure oral health throughout a lifetime.  But, did you know that annual physical therapy check-ups provide the third critical (and often overlooked) component of long-term health and preventative care for people of […]

Debunking Common Fall Prevention Myths

Every September during National Falls Prevention Week (Sept. 21-25, 2020), physical therapists join other medical professions across the country in reminding Americans that falls are not just common among older Americans. They’re often debilitating, costly and even deadly.  They’re also largely preventable, says Eugene physical therapist Craig Iseli.  “Falls present a real public health problem among older adults, but […]

Tendon Talk – Tendon Health and Maintenance

Tendon Health | Limitless Physical Therapy

Ahh, tendons.  Tendons have to be in the top 5 of things physical therapists talk about every day.  Whether we’re dealing with a new injury or an old injury, a neurological condition or an orthopedic condition, a strength issue or a mobility issue, tendons play a role.  Anytime our bodies move, a tendon is involved […]

Will Running Damage Your Knees? Studies Say No.

Is running bad for your knees?  According to Eugene physical therapist Craig Iseli, this is a common question among both avid runners and those who may start running for exercise or to participate in that first 5K.  For most people, though, the answer is a resounding no.  “This question really highlights a common misconception about running – that it’s […]

Getting in Rhythm – Running Cadence

Running Cadence - Limitless Physical Therapy

Listening to an avid or professional runner talk about how they prepare for and perform their craft is similar to listening to a mechanic of a Formula 1 racing car.  There’s so much that goes into high-level running that it becomes more of a calculus equation than a way to get some exercise.  For the […]

Running Safety


In the wee hours of the night or before the crack of dawn you’ll always find someone running in Track Town, USA.  With many people looking into ways to exercise without accessing gyms or group exercises, running is an easily available form of exercise.  At face value, running is also pretty simple.  You just… run.   […]